Stereochemistry is the chemistry which deals with the different arrangement of atoms or groups in a molecule in space. Louis Pasteur was the first stereo chemist, having observed in 1849 from wine collected salts of tartaric acid production vessels could rotate plane polarized light, but that salts from other sources. The only physical property, in which the two types of tartrate salts differed, is due to optical isomerism. Stereochemistry plays a very vital role in our day to day life. It has been observed that many living systems, plants and many pharmaceuticals possess or respond to only an arrangement in a molecule and are found to be stereospecific in nature, for example, the double helical form of D.N.A turns in a right-handed way, honeysuckle winds as a left-handed helix. Only one form of sugar plays a unique role in animal metabolism and is the basis of a multimillion-dollar fermentation industry. Structural Isomers are isomers which have the same molecular formula but differ in their structures. The list of different types of structural isomers is position isomer; chain Isomers, metameric, and functional Isomers.
Physical transformations
Solid state photochemical reactions
Conformations and Chirality
Analysis of 3-D arrangement of molecules
Probe reaction mechanisms
Stereochemical Issues in Chemical Biology
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Related Conferences
13th International Conference on Allergy and Clinical Immunology| Oct 03-04, 2019, Melbourne, Australia; World Congress on Chemical Engineering and Technology | Oct 10-11, 2019, Frankfurt, Germany; International Conference and Exhibition on Polymer Chemistry | Oct 17-18, 2019, Vienna, Austria; Global Experts Meeting on Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry | Oct 14-15, 2019, Rome, Italy; World Congress on Biopolymers and Polymer Chemistry | Oct 24-25, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland; World Congress on Pharmacovigilance | Nov 11-12, 2019, Singapore; 5th International Conference on Drug Discovery, Designing, and Development | Nov 11-12, 2019, Singapore; Global Experts Congress on Chemistry and Computer-Aided Drug Design (CADD) | Nov 14-15, 2019, Singapore; Global Congress on Antibiotics, Antimicrobials & Resistance | Nov 21-22, 2019, Singapore
Related Societies and Associations:
Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES), Royal Society of Chemistry, American Chemical Society, American Associations for Advancement of Science, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist, American Chemical Society, Human Genome Variation Society, American Association for Clinical Chemistry, American Crystallographic Association, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), American Oil Chemists Society, Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC International), Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC), Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ).